Project and Management Actions
The purpose is to gather ideas for potential projects and management actions (PMAs) that could be evaluated and ultimately included in the Vina Subbasin Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP).
Projects and Management Actions
Part of the GSP process will be implementing Projects and Management Actions (PMAs) which help move the subbasin towards its goal of sustainability.
Draft PMAs presented at May 18, 2021 SHAC Meeting:
04. Vina Subbasin GSP PMA Submittal Table_ 5-11-21.xlsxHere is a presentation to the Stakeholder Advisory Committee about PMAs:
Other useful documents pertaining to PMAs are provided below:
PMA Glossary.pdfPMA Legal Implications Discussion Paper.pdfRecharge Study Chapter 5.pdfFloodMAR fact sheet 2018.pdf
We want to hear from YOU!
We are looking for ideas about potential PMAs that could be evaluated and possibly included in the Vina Groundwater Sustainability Plan. We are launchin an online form to collect your ideas. When available you will find the link here. You can contact us through this link:
Submit your PMA ideas by April 30, 2021
Click here for the online Vina GSA PMA Submittal Form.
Or download a .pdf or Word version for your use:
PMA Submittal Form for Vina Subbasin consideration_v04-23-2021.docxPMA Submittal Form for Vina Subbasin consideration_v04-23-2021.pdfLearn more about the GSP here.