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Water Supply and Recharge Project - Implemented by Butte County

The Surface Water Supply and Recharge Feasibility Study aims to strengthen groundwater sustainability, enhance water resilience, and provide actionable insights for implementing effective surface water and recharge solutions within the subbasin. The study will achieve these objectives through two complementary approaches. 

  1. The Surface Water Supplies Feasibility Analysis focuses on reducing the reliance on groundwater for water uses in the subbasin by identifying and refining two promising surface water supply projects. Through detailed feasibility studies and stakeholder engagement, this analysis will develop preliminary project designs aimed at increasing surface water use. These efforts will directly contribute to groundwater sustainability and support the reduction of groundwater dependence in the Vina Subbasin. 
  1. The Recharge Feasibility Analysis complements the surface water supply efforts by identifying potential groundwater recharge sites in the Vina Subbasin. Building on prior studies such as the Evaluation of Restoration and Recharge (ERR) Study and the Sand Creek Study, this component will assess site feasibility, explore multi-benefit opportunities, and evaluate legal and regulatory considerations. Additionally, it will develop preliminary designs for up to two sites. 

Key Project Tasks: 

  • Develop a conceptual list of water supply projects and conduct an initial screening with a fatal flaws analysis.  
  • Identify the two most promising projects for detailed feasibility analysis, including evaluating water conveyance options, place of use, environmental concerns, financing, and water rights. 
  • Conduct a feasibility and cost-benefit analysis of potential groundwater recharge projects, evaluating factors such as water availability, rights, conveyance costs, recharge potential, zones of benefit, and operation and monitoring costs. 
  • Perform field investigations and pilot tests to assess the suitability of recharging surface-applied water, the potential recharge quantities, and how recharge projects may operate in practice. 

Consultant: Geosyntec
Project Partner: Agricultural Groundwater Users of Butte County 
Total Project Budget: $725,000 


Projected Project Timeline

A table outlining events and dates for water supply feasibility and recharge investigation projects between 2024-2026.