Demand Reduction Strategies Project
Aims to enhance groundwater sustainability in the Vina Subbasin by reducing consumptive use through extending orchard fallowing periods to reduce evapotranspiration (ET), promote and pilot precision irrigation, ET monitoring, and educational outreach.

This project includes two pilot studies. The Extend Orchard Replacement pilot study will determine water savings from extending the fallowing period between orchard removal and replant by 1 to 2 additional years. The Precision Irrigation pilot study will determine which types of orchards, soil conditions, irrigation methods, and irrigation management practices will optimize water consumptive use, or evapotranspiration (ET) in orchards, by increasing beneficial ET (that which contributes to crop yield). With this information, the GSA will be able to measure and demonstrate how much water is saved by 1) increasing fallowing time between orchard removal and replant; and 2) adopting specific irrigation and/or cultural practices. The outcomes of this study will provide information to develop a basin-wide approach to incentivize growers to adopt these practices and associated water savings. This project will support sustainable groundwater management by providing a proven and results-based approach to reducing agricultural groundwater use in the subbasin. This project is a named project/management action in the Vina Subbasin GSP and is expected to reduce groundwater use by a minimum of 4,000 to 8,000 acre-feet per year.
Consultant: Geosyntec/LandIQ
Project Partner: Agricultural Groundwater Users of Butte County
Total Project Budget: $2,440,000
Project Contracts:
VX0003_Geosyntec (Demand Reduct & Lindo Channel).pdfVX0001_AGUBC (Demand Reduct & Surface Water Supply).pdfProject Outcomes:
- Reduction in Agricultural Groundwater Use: By implementing precision irrigation techniques and extending orchard fallow periods, the project seeks to significantly reduce consumptive water use (evaporation and transpiration), leading to improved groundwater levels and increased storage in the Vina Subbasin.
- Precision Irrigation Pilot Program: This initiative will pilot advanced irrigation technology, using data-driven approaches to enhance water management, with the goal of optimizing irrigation practices and reducing unnecessary water consumption.
- Extended Orchard Replacement Pilot Program: The program will extend the fallowing period during orchard replacement from one to two years, contributing to reduced water usage and decreased evapotranspiration.
- Outreach and Education: The project will promote water-saving techniques through outreach, engaging with local growers, stakeholders, and youth to support broader adoption of demand reduction strategies.
- Project Administration and Reporting: Regular progress reports, technical memos, and invoices will ensure transparency and compliance with grant requirements, alongside thorough documentation of the project's progress.
Project Progress
Key Accomplishments
- Public Review of EOR Guidelines
- The draft EOR guidelines were released for public review and comment on October 24, 2024, with the comment period closing on November 25, 2024.
- A second round of public input is expected in 2025, following revisions based on stakeholder feedback.
- Long-Term Economic Analysis
- The long-term economic analysis for the EOR program is underway, focusing on the cumulative benefits over a 25-30 year timeframe and aligning with stakeholder priorities.
- Public Engagement
- A public webinar was held on November 7, 2024, where the consultant team explained the project and answered questions.
- The Stakeholder Advisory Committee (SHAC) received an update on the project on November 20, 2024.
Webinar Recording and PowerPoints
Demand Reduction Strategies Webinar Video.mp4Demand Reduction Strategies Webinar Audio.m4aLand IQ_Demand Reduction Strategies - PPT.pdfAGUBC_Demand Reduction Strategies - PPT.pdf