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Notice of Public Hearing to Adopt Proposed Fee

Vina GSA Notice of Public Hearing to Adopt Proposed Fee

July 26, 2023 at 5:30 p.m.
City of Chico City Council Chambers
421 Main Street, Chico, CA 95928

Notice of Public Hearing

In compliance with California State Law, notice is hereby given that the Vina Subbasin Groundwater  Sustainability Agency (Vina GSA) will hold a public hearing on:

The purpose of the public hearing is to consider the adoption of a new annual per acre fee starting in Fiscal Year 2023-24 for implementation of the  Vina GSA Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP) required by the State of California pursuant to the 2014 Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA).

Proposed Property Fee:The proposed fee is a property-related fee governed by Proposition 218 and the California Constitution. California Water Code Section 10730 provides authority for the Vina GSA to impose Fees to support GSA administration, GSP implementation, and SGMA compliance. The Vina GSA Board has reviewed the best options to fund the GSA and associated activities over the next five years as explained and documented in the May 2023 Proposition 218 Fee Report.

The proposed per-acre fee funds the service of groundwater management including implementation of the GSP and compliance with SGMA. This fee is a per-acre fee that imposes a maximum fee of $3.09 per acre (in 2023 dollars, including inflation, for the subsequent four years). The proposed fee, if approved, will become effective for the 2023-24 fiscal year (beginning July 1, 2023), with the first payment due by December 15, 2023. The actual amount of the fee will be set by Resolution of the Vina GSA but cannot exceed the maximum per acre fee specified above, including the inflation factor, absent a subsequent Proposition 218 proceeding.

Public Hearing and Majority Protest: Under the California State Constitution, owners of land subject to the proposed fee have the right to protest its adoption. Landowners desiring to protest the proposed Vina GSA fee should send their written protest prior to the public hearing to: Vina Subbasin Groundwater Sustainability Agency, c/o Vina GSA, PO BOX 7211, Chico, CA 95927, or in person at the public hearing on July 26, 2023 at 5:30 p.m., so long as the protest is received prior to the close of the public hearing.

Written protests must include the following information to be considered valid: Landowner name(s), assessor's parcel number, statement of protest, valid landowner signature(s). Protests submitted by e-mail, fax, or other electronic means are not valid and will not be counted as a protest.

If you do not wish to protest the proposed fee, you do not need to take any action.

Information pertaining to the proposed fee and funding mechanism may be reviewed on the Vina GSA website Funding Page.

Meeting materials will be posted 72 hours prior to the meeting date.

For more information, please contact the Vina GSA at (530) 552-3592 or