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Event:  SGM Grant Program Workshop #2

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Meeting ID: 636 696 4280

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Dial 1-669-900-6833 and enter the Meeting ID: 636 696 4280#

Tuesday, October 11, 2022, 3:30 pm – 5:30 pm via Zoom

The Vina and Rock Creek Reclamation District Groundwater Sustainability Agencies are working to further develop and prioritize projects to submit a grant application for the Sustainable Groundwater Management (SGM) Grant Program.  The application deadline is November 30, 2022.  Information regarding the grant program is available:

The purpose of the public project workshops will be to discuss draft scopes of work, schedules, and budgets of each project and to receive public input and perspectives on aspects that should be considered or included when developing the details of the projects. 

There will be 4 workshops in the series, each focusing on different types of projects. 

Workshop #2 anticipated projects to be discussed:

  • Interconnected Surface Water/Associated impacts on Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems
  • Scoping for Flood MAR
  • Surface Water Supply and Recharge
  • Streamflow Augmentation
Vina Subbasin Project Workshop #2_10.11.2022_MASTER PRESENTATION.pdfWorkshop 2 Recording - Screenshare.mp4Workshop 2 Recording- Speaker View.mp4